2008年1月9日 星期三

Recently,I had seeen the movie Life is Beautiful again.It is a romantic comedy.Guido is a young Italian Jew,settling down at Arezzo setting up a bookstore.when he meets Dora who isn't a Jewish.He then falls in love with her.After several years ,they get married and have a son named Joshua.However,the world war two happened and Nazi began to kill Jews.
Guido, his uncle, and Joshua are taken to a concentration camp. To keep up Joshua's spirits, Guido persuades him that it is just a game .He wants Joshua to hide for fear that he would be killed . Guido maintains this game until the end. Guido is killed and Joshua tries to survive, Finally,he is reunited with his mother.
This film do touch my heart.The war ang the government are brutal.The father Guido's great love also impressed me.

2007年12月26日 星期三

A Creative Person

The one I admire most is Orhan Pamuk.He is creative and extrodanary.The novels he writes are reflecting.He is aTurkish author
and won a Nobel prize at 2006.

He was born in a rich family.At first his father expected him of being a
architect.however he became author during his college.
His novels are highly prized by comments.

2007年12月9日 星期日

I read The Five People you Meet in the heaven .Eddy is a millwright at Ruby Pier.Unfortunately ,to save a girl stuck in the roller coaster which is out of order he died .Arriving at the heaven, he met the five people who he can't remember but
are very important to him.
We are connected with each other nomatter we know each other or not.Something we do
not care about may be vital to others. Therefore before doing any decisions we should think twice for fear to hurt others.

2007年12月4日 星期二

Recently I have read a book named The NewLife written by Orhan Pamuk .He is born in Istanbul which is located between Asian and EuropeThe book is about the conflict between theculture of Asian and Europe.
It tell us that although there are some different aspects in the two continents.People could still get along with one another.

2007年11月29日 星期四

2007年11月26日 星期一

About the Bluemen performance
A. Transcribe the complete text.
Your attention please .
Thank you for choosing earth as your planetary vehicle.
We hope you enjoy the many wonderful features of this planet as your hurtle through the cosmos .
Please note.
B. What do you think of this performance?
I think the performance is meaningful.Without any words,the bluemen
express their view toward pollution .It also inspires us that potecting the earth
is everyone's responsibility.
Part2.in what way do you think you are already a global citizen?

I like to know everything around the world.

How can you become a better global citizen?

I 'll help others as much as I can and I 'll try to reduce pollution and recycle.

2007年11月15日 星期四


I am in the level between A2 and B1 in listening and B1 in reading.I think I still have more opportunities to improve my english.Here are some specific plans.
1.I want to make it a rule to listen to ICRT during my spared time .
2.Read novels to learn new vocabularies and idioms.
3.Try to talk in English